
Gotland Game Awards is currently looking for sponsors.

We are currently looking for companies willing to sponsor the activities to make Gotland Game Awards into a special day for the competitors, as well as turning it into even more of a grand annual media watch.

Why become a sponsor?

Already, the Gotland Game Awards has turned into something that Swedish, as well as international media has taken an interest in, making it a perfect opportunity for you, to show your products off to the world!

Giving out hardware, as well as software licenses to the up and coming generation of game designers, will make them learn how to utilize your specific applications and hardware, making sure that they bring that knowledge out into the established pipelines of companies all over the world.

Possibly, even starting a new company, using your hardware and applications as a foundation, something no one will be soon to forget!

Sponsors for Gotland Game Awards 2009.
