GGA 2009 Media attention
While GGA of previous years have amased a pleasing amount of media attention, we are really happy to see just how much coverage we received this year. TV, radio, news-papers and web, also taking into account that GGA was held during E3 in Los Angeles, we’re even more pleased. As far as the nation of Sweden goes, it seems as if quite a lot of people have realized that what happens at the University of Gotland’s GAME department is something worthy of their attention.
Bellow follows a list of journalistic-institutions that have been interested in Gotland Game Awards.
SVT Östnytt – Link to Media
was on place to make a report on GGA, the program was aired on the 2:nd of June and because of high interest it was aired once again a few hours later on Sweden favorite pass time, Kulturnyheterna (Cultural News Today).
Press 2 Play
is a “Cell Phone TV Station” who published a segment on GGA as an upcoming event.  |
Radio & Newspapers
SR Sveriges Radio
Representants of GGA was on the radio show ”Morgon Gotland” the 2:e of june.
Gotlands Tidningar (GT)
had GGA as their main first page item and filled an entire page with GGA related information. (3:rd of June, page 1
and 6).
Gotlands Allehanda
also filled an entire page of GGA related matters (3:rd June, page 6) |
this international games magazine had a freelance reporter on the scene to write about GGA, the GAME program and the University of Gotland. |
Swedish Websites
All of the major Swedish gaming sites wrote aboute GGA2009.
Fragzone – Link to Artikel
A few blogs that wrote aboute GGA
A Selection of the Foreign Websites
Console Wars