Best Serious Game

Håkan Mattsson
Jona Marklund
Rickard Johansson
Don Geyer |
TThe GameRider is a bike simulation game constructed in three weeks by a small group as a side project during a level design class at HGO’s GAME education. The engine used is Valve’s Source Engine and the level was built from scratch in Hammer, the Source Engine’s level editing tool. In the months since its completion, it’s been on display at the Technical Museum, Stockholm’s Culture House, on Swedish Television, GGA (where it won the best serious game award) and just recently at the Almedal’s Week where it was on display for Sweden’s most important politicians.

Hybrid Fighter
Inigma Games |

Producer: Stefan Jacobsson
Designer: Markus Petterson
Lead Programmer: Daniel Salomonsson
Lead Tech: Patrick Martinsson

Amnial Djembe
Animal S |

Producer: Anders Nerg
Designer: Joakim Reimer
Lead Art: Anna Holmgren
Programmer: Jen Long Tran
Art: John Hjelm
Sound: Kersti Wallstedt

Deep Ocean
Best Arcade Game
Kattpistol productons |

Producer (2D art): Pernilla Sparrhult
Lead 3D, Level design/Script: Peter Flink
Lead Programming: Carl Horned
Lead 2D: Lotta Tjernström
Animator (Script): Daniel Andersson

Ninja Zombie Hunter
Drunk LLama Productions |
Martin Keblanz
Alexander Winbäck
Insats Afrika
The Red Cross Award Litchi Productions |

Producer: Rasmus Davidsson
Lead Art: Robin Flodin
Art: Emma Ströberg
Art och information: Ola Nilsson
Programming: Ted Lindström
Programming: Ted Löfgren

Willie and Wilma
Gamma productions |

Producer: Leonard Larsson
Lead Art: Jonas Gustavsson
Lead Design: Tobias Andersen
Lead Tech: Sonny Hamberg
Art: Jonna Hoas
Art: Hampus Berg
Lead Programming: Fredrik Almén

Date Panic
Naked gunslingers |

Music: Steppo